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Well, it seems that there have been quite a few new hacks and patches released as of late. Most of them are not on the site for good reason. I do not wish to search through every single thread to figure out what the hack is and where it goes and all that.

So here is how to submit hack information to me. You need to post the information about your hack in this thread following these guidelines.

You must give me the full name of the hack

You must specify wether it is half, full, mini, etc, fangame, etc....

You must also specify wether there are any changes like ASM or graphics, etc.

You need to tell me wether it is complete or in development(or dead)

Last, as of now, you must tell me wether your IPS is Headered or Unheadered. I will be going through the other hack and determine such. If your hack is not yet complete, you must tell me once you release it before I can change the status on the site to complete.

Following these guidlines will make updates quick and often.
Quote from Electrometer Prime:
Well, it seems that there have been quite a few new hacks and patches released as of late. Most of them are not on the site for good reason. I do not wish to search through every single thread to figure out what the hack is and where it goes and all that.

So here is how to submit hack information to me. You need to post the information about your hack in this thread following these guidelines.

Ok, sure. I'll submit my hack. I have two hack to submit so far.

Super Metroid RBO:,7415.0.html

This is half hack. There is no graphic changes. The route has changed into the reverse boss order which mean you will fight Ridley first and then Kraid last. This is a complete hack (I wouldn't submit incomplete hack anyway.) The ISP is unheadered.

Now for my next hack.

Super Metroid RBO Impossible:,7462.0.html

This is also a half hack. It has no graphic changes except with suit patch thanks to bloodsonic and drewseph. Not only it will make you go in reverse boss order but in the hard way (similar to Saturn's Super Metroid Impossible hack.) This is a complete hack. Then again, it's unheadered isp.

There is a last thing that I wanted to tell. I'm currently making my next hack called Super Metroid RBO Insane. I do not have a release date yet but I'm almost done with it. When I'm finish with it, I will submit that too.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
It's IPS, for International Patching System, not ISP
Edit history:
P.JMan: 2008-08-18 05:43:29 pm
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Scrolling Sky Fix


Changes a BG_Data routine to completly get rid of the scrolling sky glitch in any room with a scrolling sky BG_Data pointer

Complete, v1.0

Metroid Metroid


In development (version 2.2 released).

(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Your site needs some serious work done. Some of the hack links don't work, some take you to the wrong thread (not release but discussion), and it comes off as very messy. It's an easy fix, won't even take you an hour. I'm not trying to bug you, it's just been on my mind for months now.
Hated by all
I have to agree with the amount of errors in there. And I see some amount of unincorporated code in the Full page, along with some text issues.
Yes, I need to work on the site and fix all the errors. However, the updates I am supposed to do will continue to be postponed due to Tropical Storm Fay(It is currently a flooded nightmare here -__-)
Edit history:
playerman1230: 2008-08-24 02:25:31 pm
Hated by all
Well, here's mine for the list:

Super Metroid Hard Mode (Etc Hack that is unheadered)
Changes are: Reducing item pickups, increasing damage from enemies (routes are same in the original, just more tedious)
Current Status: Two versions complete, next one is in development.

Link to patches:,7515.0.html
Edit history:
aigamerDS: 2008-08-20 08:41:12 pm
I have finished my Super Metroid RBO Insane hack.

Full name: Super Metroid RBO Insane
Type of hack: Half hack
Changes: The routes, difficult, fx1, and little palettes change.
Type of patch: Unheadered
Current Status: Complete
Link to patch:,7520.0.html
it's not a graphic change if you just change palettes.